
Buying a video camera.

On this weekend our girls went to one of the Moscow markets to get ready for their next barefoot travel adventure, and of course, the girls put off their shoes. As you voted for video-clips in the barefoot travel reports, we decided to buy a video-camera. You know, it is quite dangerous to take photos on our marked - the security guard stopped our girls from time to time to make us stop taking photos and make our girls put on their shoes. But we also found friendly shop-assistants, who helped the Mila and Alena to choose the camera. So the girls will åtake video in their next trip!

2005-09-26 18:50:48

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Mila and Julia in a small provincial town. Part 1.

An autumn voyage. Part 1.

There were last warm days outdoors. Julia and Mila decided to take chance and to go to a quiet and beautiful place and to roam without shoes on the cool autumn grass, wet earth and old ruins.

The best place for their aims was a little provincial town - Novy Jerusalem, which is known by its masterpiece of architecture - NovoJerusalem cloister. This place is well known in Russia - it is a shooting area for films, married couples visit this place soon after the marriage and of course a large amount of faithful people go on pilgrimage here.

Mila and Julia met in the metro early in the morning, put off our shoes because in Russian metro the assistant station-masters don't want to let people to the metro stations without shoes. On the station the girl's feet became dirty at once. It was an ordinary working day, there were a lot of people in the metro, going to work. But only few stayed indifferent. Some people were astonished (it was rather cold and everybody was wearing warm jackets!), some people joked at the girls and one old woman asked Mila, whether my boots were stolen.

It is forbidden to make photos in the metro, and that is why our girls tried to photo carefully. But in spite of all the precautions, Mila and Julia drew the attention of the assistant station-masters, who told the girls, that they were disturbing the machinists with their flash gun.

At least the girls came to the Rizsky railway station. It was not easy to find the ticket windows. And while Mila and Julia were looking for them, they were stopped by the police twice. First time the cops asked the girls to show their documents and asked, why they were walking without boots.
- But it is so cool! - Mila answered. Put off your shoos and feel it yourself!
They smiled, but wouldn't take off their boots. The second time the cops only asked the girls, where were their shoes - and that all.

When the girls bought the tickets, they found out, that there was still half an hour before the train departure. That was quite enough to make some photos. The girls also bought some ice-cream and some food. While entering the train on the last seconds they began to make photos on the threshold of the train and heard the sharp voice from the loud-speaker: "Stop holding the doors! Do not detain the departure!"

On the girl's way a men was disturbing them, while they were making photos. He tried to advice our girls, how to photo in the best way. And the majority of the passengers paid much attention to the girl's bare dirty feet all the way long.

It is difficult to describe the reaction of the people in this provincial town. I think, they haven't seen such show at all. People pointed at the barefoot girls, some people offered Mila and Julia to take all their closes off. One woman told her friend, pointing at the girls, that barefoot walks make the organism strong and our girls were doing right.

Mila and Julia got to the cloister in a route taxi. On course all the way they were making photos with such a pleasure that nearly missed their stop.

By the way, there was no sun that day and sometimes it was raining. But while Mila and Julia were moving, they didn't even managed to be frozen.

The girls had just left the taxi and a man began to photo, how Mila was making photos of Julia. As for Mila, she managed to make a photo of him too. But he followed us for some time, until I explained to him, that we have different routes.

While the girls were walking along the enormous territory, posing on the background of different places of interest and monuments, the custodians told them trice, that their behavior is impossibly frivolous on the territory of such a Saint place...
If you want to know what was then, wait for the second part of our Barefoot Voyage...

2005-09-18 20:27:50

Barefoot walk under the rain. Part 3.

Naughty Irina splashed through the puddles with her bare soles, enjoying the curious glances of the passers-by and posing to our photographer. During her walk she found a red gravel path, that massaged her wet dirty soles. Look how sexy her feet are against the background of little sharp stones!

2005-09-12 18:23:04

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Pretty barefoot secretary. Part 3.

After the barefoot walk on the cold snowy street, Mila went to the warm office kitchen to make some tea and warmth herself up. Of course, our photographer followed Mila everywhere. He managed not only to make excellent close-up photos of Mila's sexy soles, that were still pink with cold, but also to catch her in the WC, while Mila was pissing... Look at Mila's pretty feet after her walk on the snow on the photos and video-clip!

2005-09-07 19:11:26

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Barefoot walk under the rain. Part 2.

On that rainy day, when all the people prefered to stay at home and watch TV, Irina walked on the puddles and enjoyed the cool streams of water, falling from the sky. Her feet became wet and dirty, but she didn't pay any attention on that - the rain immediately washed the dirt off her soles. Here you can find a lot of close-up photos of Irina's sexy soles and heels.

2005-09-02 14:58:30

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