City Feet community boardYuditza's DiaryStrolling in Cusco, Peru 2

Strolling in Cusco, Peru 2

Hello Friends, I would like to leave me your comments and suggestions to improve my photos, I'm new city feet but I really want to beat !! thx here I share with you more of my photos taken during my trip to cusco, hojala like them! bye you have a great week:-)[82170.jpg][82171.jpg][82172.jpg][82173.jpg][82174.jpg][82175.jpg][82176.jpg][82177.jpg][82178.jpg][82179.jpg][82180.jpg][82181.jpg][82182.jpg][82183.jpg][82184.jpg][82185.jpg]
posted 2015-01-13 01:55:51 , edited 2015-01-13 02:02:32
¡Hola Yuditza!

Gracias por compartir tus fotos, están hermosas. Te sugeriría que no estés sola en las fotos, sino que estés en lugares concurridos, con gente, caminando descalza y con las plantas de tus pies negritas de polvo. No hace falta que siempre mires a la cámara, te pueden tomar las fotos mientras estás haciendo alguna cosa: mirando una vitrina, comprando, cruzando la calle, etc.

También sería bueno que sigas caminando en terrenos difíciles para demostrar lo fuertes que son las plantas de tus pies y que les pongas retos.

Hi Yuditza!

Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I would suggest you not to be alone in the photos, but to be barefoot in crowded places, with people around, and with the soles of your feet black with dust. It's not necessary that you always look at the camera, you can have pictures taken as you do anything: looking at a glass showcase, buying anything, crossing the street, etc.

It would also be good that you keep on walknig barefoot on harsh terrains to show how strong the soles of your feet are, and that you put challenges and dares to them.
posted 2015-01-13 23:59:57
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