City Feet community boardPolina's diaryshoe covers

shoe covers

In that barefoot day I had many things to do. Main thing was visiting my friend who had accident and got in hospital. In the hospital people can't be in shoes or barefoot - they must take shoe covers on to visit their sick friends. So I took shoe covers on my bare feet and went to hospital's room.
After hospital I found a thing (don't know how to say in English), where water runs, and decided to wash my feet after shoe covers.
posted 2011-06-07 09:25:51 , edited 2011-06-07 09:28:01
Wish your friend early rehabilitation.
And "After hospital I found a thing "there thing i think is faucet.
posted 2011-06-07 11:23:01 , edited 2011-06-07 11:26:40
Thank you so much!!
Yes, can call "faucet", or may be water pump :-)
posted 2011-06-07 11:39:51
Great shots, especially in hospital! Your soles look harder and harder every time! :)
posted 2011-06-07 15:27:16
Great shots!
Love how your soles are looking tougher and tougher and how dark they.
And how the roughness shows right though the dirt. The blacker the better.
How long do stay continuously barefoot? hours, days or weeks?
How tough do you think your soles are? What do you find it easier to walk on?
What's next for a "progress" video? crushing cans, glass or more cigarettes?
posted 2011-06-07 16:24:38
Great update Polina! Your soles look exquisitely hard and rough, they are very beautiful. Are you happy by the fact that your soles are that hard and rough? How do you feel when you see your soles, when you touch and feel them? Don't you miss when they were soft?

Keep toughening your feet Polina, great work! You're on the right path to become a hardcore barefooter. BTW, how long, how many hours you were barefoot that day? On average, how many hours you are barefoot outside daily?


posted 2011-06-07 17:08:10
Thanks for such nice comments!
Yeah, my soles become harder and rougher – I can see and feel it. I am not used to such soles, they are not as usual for me, but I don’t miss when they were soft)) It seems my feet are not too rough to miss=)) I don’t spend much time in the open air, usually when I’m in streets I am barefoot. When I’m at home I always in bare feet:) So guess, I stay in bare feet few days.

That day I was in bare feet several hours – near 5 – all my walk in the open air. Later, when I come back home, of course I washed my feet and continued to be barefoot))

In my new set of photos you will see how I was going and a little but jumping on the sharp stones=)

And on the week-end if my friend Polina come to me, we will buy cigarettes but not for smoking but for burning our soles!! I want so much))
I guess my feet are not ready for glasswalk, but I hope soon))
posted 2011-06-08 17:18:39 , edited 2011-06-08 17:22:13
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