City Feet community boardPolina's diaryTrip to Moscow

Trip to Moscow

Today I've came back from Moscow, where I was few days becouse of some things to do.
And even I took few photos and 2 short videos, hope you'll like it..
Here I was in one beautiful place in Moscow and SAW, oh my god, saw barefoot people in public place!))The first time in my life)) Just 3 persons, but it was very nicely to see:-)
Now I'm going sleep, see you soon =)
posted 2011-05-26 18:38:59 , edited 2011-05-26 18:42:34
Hi, Polina! Your are true barefooter in spirit just because of one thing. Some of my friends and people whom I know can imagine barefooting only in the countryside or on the Nature but not in Moscow. Have you found streets and environment rather dirty or a bit interesting for barefoot walk? By the way it becomes some kind of habit for me - to walk barefoot for some time in certain places after swimming.
posted 2011-05-26 19:11:37
Polina, you're gorgeous! A very beautiful lady indeed...and look GREAT in bare feet...if only you could be barefoot all the time, everywhere!!!

Thanks for the lovely pictures, they are really good ones. Did you walk barefoot in the street for a long time? Was the pavement hot, rough? Are your soles toughening up more, do you see any changes on them? Are they rougher, stronger?

I can see you become more and more of a barefooter, congratulations! Soon your soles will be tough enough to allow you walk barefoot on ANYTHING.

Well done girl!


posted 2011-05-26 19:27:30
Hi, Michael! =)
I think, barefooting has place in any place :) Whether in country, nature or in a big city. Especially, if the weather is so warm :-)
Some streets are dirty, yes, but it is not a problem:) It's funny to be in bare feet everywhere. I dont pay attention to streets' condition. Where do you walk in bare feet?

Dear DG, gracias =)
It seems to me, if person has a dream, - for example, lead barefoot life, - he can make it true! And one day, I'll be in such place, when I dont need shoes all year long. :-)

On these pictures you see me in a hot spring day. I was barefoot few hours, Asphalt was very hot. At the beginning it was very pleasantly and fine, but later my soles became roast:) But it was pleasantly too :-) Some time I tread on grass, caz it was colder, soft and nice.
Haha, my mam says my feet became awful))
But I dont think so. Soles're becoming rougher, but not awful =)
posted 2011-05-28 09:19:21 , edited 2011-05-28 09:20:47
Polina, do you mean certain places in the city/countryside or type of pavement where I like to walk barefoot? Well, I like parks (soil&grass pavement) and places with interesting stony pavement (like some parts of Poklonka).
posted 2011-05-28 21:12:20
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