City Feet community boardSierra's diaryFun in the front yard - a poem

Fun in the front yard - a poem

I got in touch with nature today.


And nature got in touch with me.


I made friends with a pine cone.


And sticks just wouldn`t leave me alone.


I decided to climb a tree.


To see what I could see.


I almost stepped on dog poo.


But I decided not to.


Nature makes me so happy.


Oh great, now I`ve gotten sappy.


I need to go wash my feet.


Today was so very neat.
posted 2011-05-25 19:29:24 , edited 2011-05-25 19:34:47
A new update!Wrer you feel one of nature?My computer are broken…I use iPhone…I don not know why.Screen usually blue,sometimes can't link the network。
posted 2011-05-26 11:18:37
I felt very in touch with nature. That's one of the reasons I love going barefoot so much. Sorry your computer/iphone is giving you problems. Hope you can resolve them soon!
posted 2011-05-26 18:51:38
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