City Feet community boardSierra's diaryAdventures on Highway 2

Adventures on Highway 2

Peter and I both had 2 days in a row off from work, so we took a mini road trip to a bunch of small towns we had driven through, but never stopped in.


We stopped at McDonalds before leaving. My McDonalds is prejudiced against barefooters.


Ew, socks.


While packing for our trip, a piece of glass from a picture frame fell out of the frame and dropped on my foot. Luckily, it didn't cut very deep, or even bleed much.


Bare feet and the open road. Ah, bliss.


We stopped in Red Deer to gas up and get snacks. We've both been to Red Deer lots, so we didn't stick around there for very long.


We spent more than an hour in Nanton. They have a famous candy shop that doubles as an antiques store. I got a sugar rush while Peter perused World War 2 era books.


This is my favorite river in all of Alberta.


Doesn't it just make you want to sing?
posted 2011-05-13 18:05:01
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