City Feet community boardSierra's diaryLenur's Wedding

Lenur's Wedding

Peter's parents are having quite the year for weddings! His younger sister, Lenur, just got married this weekend. We flew to Vancouver Island to be there for it.


Our flight left at 6am, meaning we had to be at the airport at 4:30. I didn't get home from work until 2, so I was understandably exhausted.


We flew to Vancouver, and then took a puddle jumper to the island.


Once the sun came up, I was in a better mood.


The excitement of the trip kicked in at the Vancouver airport, and I started getting really excited to meet my new sister.


It was only a 14 minute flight to the island!


We were lucky to have made it! Winter returned to Alberta with a vengeance, delaying most of the wedding party and family for another two days. All was springtime and wonderful in BC, though.


Lenur lives in a tiny tiny town on the island, so tiny that it only took us an hour for her to give us a walking tour of the town.


She took us to the grocery store first, so that we could get some toiletries that we forgot. Apparently there are no sidewalks except on main street, though, so we all got covered in mud.


We walked through puddles to clean up.


Next, she took us to the florist to see her flowers. It was closed by the time we got there, though, so we could only peep in the windows.


After that, we just goofed around on the commemorative statues throughout town.



And also on some guy's car.


The night before the wedding was the bachelorette party!


We all went out dancing, and after a few hours, I was able to convince Lenur to ditch her heels and go barefoot with me. She put them back on when she went outside, but it's a good start!


After that night, my camera died :( I was only able to get one more picture:


It was hailing when we left!
posted 2011-04-17 21:23:59
When are you getting married?(^_-)
posted 2011-04-18 15:22:45
July 23
posted 2011-04-19 14:47:01
posted 2011-04-20 15:52:11
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