City Feet community boardSierra's diaryTree climbing

Tree climbing

Peter and I are taking our engagement pictures today, so I'm looking extra cute today!


We had to run some errands first though.


The passenger side door of our car doesn't have a handle, and I cut my hand closing it. Sad day.


I'm super ridiculously in love with climbing trees!


There was nothing to grab on to to climb it though.


I kinda sorta fell. Good thing my feet are tough!


Those rocks are sharp! They felt nice to walk on!


The snow is nice to walk on too. It's going to be so sad when it's all gone!


I'll be glad not to be slipping around anymore though.


Yay for cute wet feet prints!


And yay for my naked wet feet!

posted 2011-04-12 20:55:12
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