City Feet community boardSierra's diaryDrumroll please.

Drumroll please.

The promised surprise will be revealed at the end of this post. Please resist the urge to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find it. Look at all of the pics in this post as they are presented to you.


I've missed walking outside barefoot! To all the barefooters out there, I do not recommend getting pneumonia! It's terrible to have your doctor tell you that you have to wear shoes for your own safety and health. I felt so trapped the last few weeks... It was nearly unbearable!


But now I am free again, free to walk around in the dirt and slush and let my toes curl in the grass (which is finally starting to peep through the snow!) and feel the cool earth beneath my feet.


I can stretch my toes to the sky and breathe in the elation that comes from freeing your feet.


I have more reason to be elated than just my renewed freedom, though.


Check out my new toe ring! But it's not really a "toe" ring at all, just a regular ring that I happen to have on my toe.


There's a reason I'm hiding my left hand in that shot...


And the surprise is... Peter proposed!! And I said yes!

Thursday, February 24, I was feeling really sick, so I went to the doctor and he put me on antibiotics. Peter came over to my apartment after he got off work and insisted on me coming over to his house for the night so he could take care of me in case I got any worse. My fever got really bad overnight and the next day I was having weird heart palpitations, so he called in to work and took me in to the ER. He called my parents to let them know what was going on and they rushed to the hospital. They did chest x-rays and blood work, told me I had pneumonia, and sent me home. I spent the night at my parents' house so Peter could get some sleep. He came over first thing the next morning, called in to work again, and spent the whole day with me. We watched chick flicks for hours, and he left at midnight. About an hour later, I fainted, so my mom took me back to the ER. I texted Peter to let him know what was going on, told him he didn't have to come if he didn't want to, but he came anyway because he knew I secretly really wanted him there. They did more x-rays and said they were going to put me on an IV. I HATE IVs. At about 3am Peter sent my mom home so she could get some sleep. He laid down on the floor next to me because it was late and he was tired. Right before the guy came in to put in my IV, he pulled the ring box out of his pocket, slipped the ring on my finger, and asked me to be his bride. The IV didn't really bother me after that. He apologized, saying he knew it wasn't my ideal way of being proposed to, but to me it was perfect.
posted 2011-03-19 22:07:38
Those are big news. Thanks a lot for sharing them here.

All the best for you both!
posted 2011-03-20 01:33:23
You recovered, good.
posted 2011-03-24 10:57:11
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