City Feet community boardSierra's diaryParty every day.

Party every day.

This weekend was fully of parties, parties, parties! I had to book a few days off of work just to make it to all of them! Two of them stand out in my memory of the weekend as spectacularly awesome though: The Steve Urkel themed dance party on Friday and Peter's birthday party on Sunday.


This is my roommate Bryanne. She got very in to the theme of the party.


Me, not so much.


This is my roommate Melanie. She was the life of the party!


Who am I kidding, we were the hottest girls there! And the coolest. We're the most awesomest roommates that have ever been.


But even with all of our hotness, we have to bundle up before dashin through the snow to another party!


That's Peter's birthday cake. It's our campground in Elk Island. The big green thing is our tent, the green gummy bear by the car is his dog Monty, and the small light brown structure is an outhouse. His friend Lynn made it for him. She's so creative!
posted 2011-01-18 20:32:28
That's a cool cake indeed! Good to see you had great fun.
posted 2011-01-18 22:28:21
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