City Feet community boardSierra's diaryMoving


Hooray, I am finally moved in to my new apartment! Getting all of my stuff from my parents' house to my apartment was a huge challenge. Most of my belongings have been in boxes since I was 17, and the boxes are really heavy and falling apart, so they were really hard to move!


Combine that with all the snow on the ground and you should be able to understand how difficult it was for me to move!


Nonetheless, I did it!


I was exhausted and frozen by the end of the night, but Peter wanted to spend some time with me, so we went out to dinner and then grocery shopping. My poor feet were very tired at the end of all this. They worked hard!


I didn't get to appreciate all of my hard work moving in until a few days later though! The snow picked up and I got stranded about an hour away from my apartment after having to take one of my employees home. I spent the night at my parents' house, since they only live about 5 minutes away from my employee's house.

The next day when I tried to get home, I got in an accident. I spun across three lanes of traffic and ended up with my back end in a snow bank. And I hit a pole while I was at it. Peter's mom insisted that I spend the night at their place, and I eagerly obliged. I ended up staying over for a few nights. Peter drove me to and from work the next few days because I was so driving traumatized from my accident.

The roads were decent yesterday, so Peter and I drove out to a small town north of St Albert to buy a tent. We've been planning on getting it for several weeks now, but we just had never had the time to until now. Our tent is awesome! It came with more than 40 stakes, different types for different types of ground. I named our tent Brianne. (I name everything. My car's name is Rocco, my iPod is Barrett, my laptop is Gordo, my phone is Alexandra, Peter's car is Emily... the list goes on and on.)


Edmonton finally got their freaking snow plows out and plowed the roads yesterday, so I felt semi-safe about driving home. Then the same guy I drove home before asked me to drive him home again and I almost cried, because it meant driving through where I got stranded before AND where I got in an accident. I made it safe though! This is what I found when I got home.


I love my roommates.
posted 2011-01-11 19:56:15
Congratulations Sierra!

Enjoy your new apartment.

Hope the new interview is online soon.
posted 2011-01-13 23:14:59
Hi Sierra!

I just saw DG was faster, damit... :)
So how was the interview? :)
posted 2011-01-13 23:34:31
Hi Sierra!
Can I ask your some questions?
Do you often barefoot?

Do you like barefoot?

(translate by google)
posted 2011-01-14 09:12:04
I go barefoot at every possible opportunity. Lately is has been very cold and snowy, so I have been wearing flip flops so my feet don't freeze. I know that probably sounds ridiculous if you are used to wearing warm boots in the winter, but compared to bare feet, flip flops are very warm! I love being barefoot, but I do have to temper my passion as the elements turn for the worse.
posted 2011-01-14 10:44:27
The interview went well! I felt like they were pressing me for a deeper message from being barefoot than just the simple fact that I enjoy it though. Hopefully they present me in an open minded way...

I look like crap in the interview I'm sure because I had been snowed in at Peter's house for 3 days without a change of clothes or makeup. Luckily I have a toothbrush there... But yeah, I went on tv with no makeup. I hadn't done my hair either, so it's pretty evident that I've had an extended romantic slumber party.
posted 2011-01-14 10:46:51
……South China winter now,but not clod.
In China barefoot will be subject to discrimination.
posted 2011-01-14 13:56:06
I always tell girls that they do look more adorable without makeup... :)
Do you know when the interview will be aired and where?

Oh, and happy new year to you (even if a bit late :))
How about making an account of days you were barefoot outside during the year? :)
posted 2011-01-14 22:33:06
I've been barefoot outside every day this year except for two days this week when temperatures were sub -30 and there was lots of powdery wet snow on the ground.
posted 2011-01-16 00:49:01
Girl, you rock... :)
posted 2011-01-16 10:20:39
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