City Feet community boardSierra's diaryGas station

Gas station

On Sunday after church, I ran out of gas on the way home and had to stop and full up.


It was -20. The short way to tell you is I was cold. The long way is to tell you that I was COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!


I'm still barefoot though.


The pump was going so slow! I think the fuel inside it was frozen or something...


Unlike this smart girl, I didn't go inside to get hot chocolate to warm up.


In retrospect, I probably should have. I was so cold that my brain forgot to tell me to shut the fuel cap. A car of girls flagged me down and told me it was open. I felt dumb.
posted 2010-11-26 07:33:49
Brilliant update. But hey if its so cold feel free to wrap up with a scarf and coat. Its only your brave lovely bare feet that need to be exposed to the freezing snow.

You look sooo cute with your superb feet on show. Were you barefoot in Church,

Hope the snow stays - would love to see those bare feet in a crowded snowey shopping street

Good that youve got someone to take your pics for you so we can see your pretty face in the same shot as your brave frozen feet!
posted 2010-11-26 19:51:19
Yes, I was barefoot in church. I go barefoot everywhere except work.

The snow on the streets and sidewalks is mostly melted, but there still is a lot of snow on the yards and such.
posted 2010-11-26 20:13:13
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